Preface: This covers how to request white copy paper, business cards, name placards, and envelopes.

The process below is also outlined in this document: INSERT HERE

Printed or paper office supply request procedure.

The purpose of this process is to document and communicate how to place orders for white copy paper, printed envelopes, business cards, and name placards for desks.

NOTE: Colored copy paper is to be purchased directly by the program, it was determined to be fiscally inefficient to stock the various colored papers the organization uses.


  1. When a staff member is running low on paper, they need to notify their departments work order requester who has access to our Dude Solutions work order system.
  2. The requester for the department will then submit a work order to request for the office supply order to be filled.
    1. Please be specific in the “action taken” section of your request, indicating who needs the supplies, the time frame the supplies are needed, where the items are to be dropped off, and the specific budget lines and percentages that the charges need to be applied to.  Please be mindful of time frame requests.
  3. For business cards, include the individuals full name, position, program, email, and any phone or fax numbers to be included.
    1. The Warehouse and Inventory Control technician will email a proof to the requester and Director, Support Operations Services for approval.
  4. For the requester, in the craft section of the work order request, select “print shop” as a craft.
  5. For the requester, in the purpose section of the work order request, select “office supply order”.
  6. The Warehouse and Inventory Control technician will deliver the items and will update the work request as needed to fulfill the order.
  7. Internal Fiscal Services will apply a direct charge to the program for items requested.


White copy paper………………………………………………………..………………………………………$3.50 per ream of paper

Printed envelopes (window and windowless) …………………………………………..………..…$18 per 250 envelopes

Business Cards………………………………………………………………1 box of 250 business cards: $35, 2 boxes for $45

Name Placard……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………$3 per placard